
Greetings!  Saludos!

My name is Gabrielle, and I live in Upstate NY with my two kids, Elizabeth and Paul.  I have a B.S. in Environmental and Forest Biology, and am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer.

For the last two years I was a stay a home mom – and loved it – but said career is coming to an end as my marriage is falling apart; I’ll admit that it is very sad to me.  Within my first year homeschooling Elizabeth, I am suddenly facing separation and divorce.  Even so, I have loved homeschooling so much that I am going to give my all to attempt to continue even in a single parent household.  If you would like to read more about our homeschooling experience, please check out my other blog, Seed To Seedling.

Why seedlings?  I chose the title for this blog based on a power image that I used to use when I was in college.  ‘Seedling’ represented to me something that was small yet full of life, had much potential, and was, most importantly, growing.  A seedling is a place for little thoughts to grow.  Even though I am an adult, I am still growing and merely just a seedling in the long course of time.  Seed to Seedling came after that, when I was beginning our homeschooling experience nearly a year ago, and I wanted it to represent a seed growing into a seedling as my daughter is learning and growing as well.

If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at: aplaceforlittlesproutstogrowATgmail.com.

Thanks for stopping by.  Paz!

FYI: Most names have been changed for anonymity.  Thanks for understanding!

6 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: Writing Prompt Wednesday: August 20 | Nerd in the Brain·

  2. Pingback: Writing Prompt Wednesday: August 27 | Nerd in the Brain·

    • I absolutely LOVE being at home with my children, I feel like it was what I was made for! I have found lots of blogs on WordPress of other SAHMs, so that has been nice.
      I found your blog lots of fun, and the hummingbird nest on a hummingbird windchime is sensational!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much! I very much admire you for the courage to be proud to say you love being with your children; I’ve been disappointed by how many posts are all about wanting to be anywhere BUT with them. They get a lot of readers and I think it’s very very sad. I’m glad there are more SAHM blogs; if I still had one at home, I’d enjoy them too, and thank you for the nice comment about my hummingbird-it’s the only full nest I have around here lol!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a divorce. Thank you for following my blog. As you might have read, I too am experiencing being a single mom and divorce. Hang in there and keep writing for therapy!


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